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Goal #1

To significantly increase knowledge and awareness of services and programs both currently available and needed in the regional System of Care as measured by:

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Action Plan


Ensuring key community leaders contribute to YFC's operations.



1. Community Partner representation from at least five (5) of the different types of agencies listed in the FYSPRT Manual.

2. At least one (1) community partner working in a primary healthcare setting.


Target Date: Rolling


Progress: Ongoing



Hosting presentations on topics and programs YFC's members are interested in learning more about.



1. Arrange and host six (6) presentations on topics related to services and programs coming to, actively running, or needed in the regional System of Care per calendar year.

2. Funding opportunities for training and information as requested by YFC's members as necessary and appropriate.


Target Date: 12/31/2023






Making presentation information available to the public.



When presenters grant their permission, YFC will post recordings of presentations on the website.


Target Date: Within two (2) weeks after each meeting


Progress: Testing


  • By System of Care, we mean the spectrum of effective, community-based services and supports for children and youth with or at risk for mental health or other challenges and their families, that is organized into a coordinated network, builds on meaningful partnerships with families and youth, and addresses their cultural and linguistic needs, to help them to function better at home, in school, in the community, and throughout life.

  • By System of Care Values, we mean the 3 Core Values inherent in the System of Care approach:

    • Family driven and youth guided, with the strengths of the child and family determining the types and mix of services and supports provided.

    • Community based, with the locus of services, as well as system management, resting within a supportive, adaptive infrastructure of structures, processes, and relationships at the community level.

    • Culturally and linguistically competent, with agencies, programs, and services that reflect the cultural, racial, ethnic, and linguistic differences of the populations they serve to facilitate access to and utilization of appropriate services and supports.

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